Are you affiliated with a denomination?

We are a non-denominational women's network dedicated to God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

What are your primary goals?

  1. To build awareness of the Lord’s presence – His help, protection, and direction – in our everyday lives.
  2. To encourage Christians around the world to become more apparent.
  3. To provide free resources to prepare followers of Christ to be a doorway to Jesus.
  4. To offer God’s love in a non-judgmental, caring way to all who would receive it.


  1. The “door of the sheep” is a parable Jesus told that explained His intent to protect His followers, and foretold His plan to lay down His life and pick it back up again as a means to take care of His followers for eternity.  John 10
  2. In a metaphor Jesus described Himself as an entry point or doorway to God the Father.  John 14:6
  3. Jesus used the door as an allegory showing we need to open our “door” to receive Him.   Rev. 3:20
  4. You are the door for someone to find Jesus.

What is the cost to get involved?

We don't ask our members for donations or fees, but appreciate any way you contribute your time or talent to help share the Life.

Are you a non-profit organization?

Yes, we are a non-profit 501c3 organization incorporated under the name Share the Life.  We created the organization to help people everywhere connect to God, and to each other.

May we reproduce the teaching material listed on the website?

You may reproduce in its entirety while mentioning the source - topics from the Spiritual Advancement section - solely for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

How do I get involved?

  1. Join our email network, and receive monthly updates and words of encouragement.
  2. Tell the “door” story to your family, friends, and church.
  3. Make your own “door” imagery for your church - even your city if possible - and share the story.
  4.  Report an answered prayer on our blog.
  5. Share the praise reports from the blog each week with one or more people. 

Is Door Concepts associated with Share the Life?

Yes.  Door Concepts is the fundraising arm of Share the Life that was created to provide products that will open doors of conversation to share the Life.  We offer "door" themed jewelry to remind the wearer of the presence of Jesus, and resources designed to help people share the Life.  Profits from Door Concepts are used to support ministries around the world.

Where can I find resources that will help me tell the door story?

Our Free Resources section has reproducible material that you may use to share the Life.  You can find other resources and faith inspiring Door jewelry at doorconcepts.life.