Women from around the world - the United States, Africa, Mexico and beyond - have joined together to encourage and support one another. We are women who want to change the world to a better place, and believe we answered prayer at a time.   

We pray daily for the power and presence of God to be manifested in our friends and families.  

We share weekly answered prayers we know about, to the people around us.  

We listen for God's prompting, and give as He leads us.  

We are confident God will move miraculously around us, as we do these things.


Our women's network believes the way we share the Life of Christ is by reflecting His nature and telling of His goodness in our lives when the opportunity arises.

                                                  Pastor Leonore eva mason shown wearing a door necklace and preparing to sh…

                                                  Pastor Leonore eva mason shown wearing a door necklace and preparing to share the Life

We also take it a step further:
 - by finding ways to be apparent as believers to those around us, by wearing something that identifies we are a Christian; 

 - by preparing ourselves to respond to others as Christ does - knowing word which is scripture - and the Word of God who is Jesus;

 - by surrendering our prejudices and accepting others as Christ does - with no finger pointing - counting no one's sin greater than our own.


Our mission is to help the followers of Jesus Christ share the Life they have found through Him with those around them, causing a ripple effect which will change the world.