1) Jesus and His sheep

The “door of the sheep” is a parable Jesus told in John 10, that explained His intent to protect His followers.

He said, "I am the door of the sheep", which His disciples understood meant he was like the Good Shepherd who laid down over the doorway of the sheepfold at night to protect his lambs. In the morning the Good Shepherd would rise up and let them out, and take care of them through out the day.  He knew them by name - like we know our pet's names.  He kept them out of trouble if they stayed close by.  If they wandered off, he would go find them and bring them back.

Jesus went on to explain that just like the Good Shepherd took care of his sheep - He would also take care of His sheep.  He would lay down His life and pick it back up again as a means to take care of His followers for eternity.  He did this for us, because He loves us and knows us by name.

2) Jesus - the entryway to heaven

In John 14:6 Jesus described Himself as an entry point or door way to God the Father.  He said no one comes to the Father but through Himself.  That makes Him the doorway into our heavenly Father's kingdom - which is called heaven.

3) We are doors to Him

In Revelation 3:20 Jesus said He stands at our "door" and knocks, and if anyone opens their "door" He will come in and "sup" or take the principal meal with them.  Since He is the Bread of Life, the meal we take with Him is a meal of Life.

What happens if we let Him in and shut the door?  Many of us want to keep the Lord to ourselves and be private about our relationship with Him.  But there is a world that is dying to know the wonder and saving grace of our Lord Jesus.  We will need to keep our "door" open if we are going to share His Life with others.  You may be the door someone needs, to find Jesus.  Ask, "Have you heard the door story?"....

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