
In my Old Testament class reading assignment, I read Jonah last week. This morning in my devotional time I was reminded of Jonah, and when he delayed in doing his assignment he wound up in the belly of a whale!!

Contemplating that, I decided that today I would reach out to the women I know love the Lord and want to be obedient to His purpose.

As I sought the Lord what He would like me to say... these words came to my mind, and I wrote them down for you...

Go forth in power and might. Be fruitful and multiply what I have placed in your hand. Do not ask why - only how. Do it now.

What has He given YOU that you are going to multiply?? I would love to hear what He places in your mind and heart!!

Please pass this on to others as God leads you. Blessings to you and yours!!

Share the LIFE!

Susan Doherty