Every Day

I’m enjoying my first day of vacation, and during my devotional time this morning some ideas came to me that I thought were worth sharing.

I don’t know if you struggle with what to fit in each day, like I do.  The days I start with a little Bible reading and prayer while I’m getting ready seems to flow so much better, and I was thinking about that when the thought, “Every day has it’s tasks and it’s order” dropped into my mind. 

As I thought about the word “order” I perceived structure, but it felt as if the Lord was correcting me that I wasn’t looking at it the right way.  Here are the ideas that followed that I know I didn’t think of, and certainly are something to chew on.

Begin with ORDER: define order = peace, unity; flow of continuity that leads to harmony.  All rivers come from springs.  Start each day with the source of Life and peace, and the Spring that will feed the river of your life will bring peace and unity to your day.

PRIORITIZE: only complete your list from the top – down.

EXECUTE: complete tasks with relish.

CELEBRATE: celebrate accomplishments daily.

I like the celebrate part!  

Does any of that speak to you?

Share the LIFE!

Susan Doherty
