healing or Life?

I had a revelation over the last week, and it will change the way I pray for someone who needs to be well.  I hope it speaks to you, and apologize that it is a little long.

When the Spirit of Jesus gave me the vision of “the door” as a symbol of His Life, I wrote down the ideas that came to me exactly as I perceived them in my prayer journal.   Reviewing my notes one day, I noticed the door is supposed to remind us of Jesus’ available protection, safety, direction, peace, joy, and help.  I wondered, why not healing?  Surely, we need to include healing when we talk about “the door”!

I was writing a rough draft for the tag that goes with the door jewelry, and I started to add “healing” to the description.  BOING!  Immediately in my spirit I heard, “I don’t bring healing – I bring Life.”  Well, I knew I didn’t think that up – I had never heard anything like that before – and the message seemed to have come from God.   So, I prayed about it and decided to do some research. What I discovered seemed profound.

Over the next week, I kept mulling over the idea and wondering if somehow we are praying incorrectly when we ask for healing.  So one morning I spent some time before the Lord and asked Him the right way to ask for healing, because I didn't understand exactly what He meant.  The idea that dropped into my spirit was, “healing is a process – Life is results.  Pray for healing - get a process.  Speak Life – get results.”

Well, this was news to me and I wanted to be sure I wasn’t being deceived. Pastor Don had been teaching on speaking Life, so it occurred to me maybe the lesson wasn’t over yet.  I decided a word search on the meanings of healing and life might shed some light...

Webster says healing is the process of regaining health, and life is the state of being alive.  So “healing is a process” was validated.

Strong’s Concordance says the word used for “healing” in Greek that described Jesus going around “healing all who came to Him” -therapeuo - meant several things depending on the usage in the sentence: to wait upon menially, i.e. (fig.) to adore (God), or (spec.) to relieve (of disease);-cure, heal, worship.

As I read this I started arguing with Jesus out loud, “The Bible says you healed, but your healings were instant.  They weren’t a process.  This doesn’t line up.”  Immediately in my spirit, the answer was, “There is something lost in translation.  I cured.”  All I could say was, OH! WOW!!

Does saying the right word really matter?  Our angels receive assignments from our words.  Our words are powerful and create an environment.  My take-away is – when we need to be CURED – don’t pray for a healing unless we want a process.  Pray for the LIFE of Jesus to be present to CURE us! 

What do you think about this?  Is the word “healing” a sacred cow?  I have always loved that word, but I guess I'm going to start loving the word LIFE more. 

Share the Life!

Susan Doherty